dissabte, 30 de juny del 2012

And who worked on it?

The aulABP-PBL, as it couldn't see in a different way was planned a a project to be carried on by students. Since April 2012 students start working as a engineers, designers, ... in an school subject called ICT. The proposal was to work under the umbrella of PBL where a challenge was proposed to them. They were conscious of the difficulty of working using this methodology in our old classroom and they had the opportunity to develop a new learning space. The current lay out of the classroom not only doesn't promote mobility and team working but block it completely.

The PBL was to thing, create and develop in 3D a new classroom, called aulABP.  This project mainly consist in:
  • Share a search using  DIIGO concerning to:
    • Physical requirement of the classroom:
      • Illumination.
      • Decoration.
      • Temperature control.
    • Ergonomic.
    • Technology equipment.
    • Pedagogical development of:
      • Learning spaces.
      • Activities to be carried on on each learning space
  • Make a report using  GOOGLEDOCS wiht the whole group information.
  • Model 3D creation with SKETCH UP 8 with the final solution.

At the end of the school time the submit diferent proposals and you can see some of them (only in Catalan)
Project_1, Project 2, Project 3, Project 4

Some pictures of their work.

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